Free Give-Aways
We have made a collection of resources that we would love to give you. These are books, DVD's and Bible Studies that we believe will be a positive contribution to your faith journey. Feel free to browse the resources below then get in touch with us through the 'Contact' section of our website and tell us if there's something you would like.
Steps to Christ
Steps to Christ deals with the central issue of how to become and remain a Christian. In just 13 short chapters, Steps to Christ will help you discover the steps to find a forever friend in Jesus. You'll read about His love for you, repentance, faith and acceptance, growing like Him, the privilege of prayer, what to do with doubt, and how to spend your days rejoicing with your new-found friend—Jesus.
Come Alive with Jesus
The Come Alive series has seven lessons that concentrate on the basic principles of Christianity and are an excellent tool for one-on-one Bible studies.
Stay Alive with Jesus
Stay Alive contains fifteen lessons that encompass a deeper examination of specific truths in scripture and are an excellent tool for one-on-one Bible studies. These fresh, innovative studies provide a perfect foundation for a home Bible fellowship group, a pastors Bible study class, or one-on-one discipleship settings.
What the Bible Says About...
What the Bible Says About . . . contains two powerful aids to Bible study in one compact package. First, there are 31 actual Bible studies on important topics such as The Origin of Sin, Life After Death, Steps to Christ, Angels, The Bible Sabbath, and more. Then there’s also an easy-to-use Bible marking plan that will help you transform your own Bible into a virtual encyclopedia of biblical information that you can share with others.
By using this simple colour-coded plan, you can follow key subjects throughout your Bible, learning and teaching what God’s Word has to say about each important topic.
Although the Holy Spirit convicts and empowers seeking people to accept the truths of God’s Word, as soul winners we cooperate with the Spirit in leading people to Jesus. In this book you will discover Jesus’ witnessing techniques. You will learn the seven most effective evangelistic appeals, the four reasons why some people hesitate in making decisions, how the mind processes information when making decisions, and the single most important factor in influencing people to make positive decisions.
Secrets of Prophecy
Ancient texts, thousands of years old, predicted events happening today and are one of the greatest mysteries of all time.
The Great Controversy
Solemn and important, indeed, are the events taking place in our times. But what do all these really mean? Could these be warning signs, arousing us to some imminent danger? What should be our role in the fast-approaching events soon to break upon the earth?
The book in your hands provides definitive answers. Drawing upon lessons from history as well as Bible prophecy, The Great Controversy reveals that the world is a theatre of conflict. The actors--you and me--are preparing to act our part in the last great drama. And our choices and actions have a part to play in the outcome of this age-long struggle.
Patriarchs and Prophets
Patriarchs and Prophets is the first volume in the Conflict of the Ages series. It covers the sweeping panorama of human history from the creation of Earth to the reign of Israel's King David. With unusual insights, the author describes the role of our planet in the cosmic conflict between right and wrong, truth and error. She describes the tragic rebellion that took place in heaven many thousands of years ago and makes plain that this ongoing conflict between Satan and God affects each person who lives on Earth. Patriarchs and Prophets shows how this conflict worked itself out in the lives of men and women in Old Testament times. It answers such questions as, Where did we come from? Where are we going? If God is all-powerful, why doesn’t He prevent the spread of evil and its tragic results?
The bible book of Daniel is often one of the more mysterious and confusing ones. This series provides an introduction and insights into this book that you will find valuable for your life and meaningful in your study of scripture.
Questions 4 God
A two-part documentary series looking at some of the biggest questions surrounding God and faith in our world today. How could God allow so much pain and suffering? And what's the deal with hell? Does God really torture people for all eternity if they don't measure up in their lives on earth?
This series is a must watch if you would like to explore these topics more for yourself.
Evolution and Science
This library of talks is a detailed presentation series on science and evolution. How does God fit into that picture? Was there a divine creator? Let us know if you would like access to this resource.
The Trinity
One of the core beliefs of Christianity is something we call the Trinity. The three persons that make up the one person, God. Confused already? It's a tricky one to wrap your head around! Give this booklet a read to help grow in your understanding of Gods character.
Understanding Tongues
What is speaking in tongues? Is it meaningful for the Christian experience? Does it help you connect with God and does it serve an earthly purpose? All this and more in this short booklet from Doug Batchelor.
The Christian and Alcohol
One interesting thing you will discover about most Adventists is we have made a conscious decision not to partake in alcoholic beverages. To learn more about why this is something we would do, check out this short booklet.
Evolution: Facto or Fiction
The theory of evolution has been called 'the most powerful and the most comprehensive idea that has ever arisen on earth'. It has been so passionately argued and so heavily promoted in the mass media that millions of people with no scientific expertise assume it must be true.
But What is the evidence for this fascinating scenario? Can we prove that life began in this way? What are the odds against such a thing happening? Has archaeology found clear links between all species without limitation? Can we really show that all life forms owe their distinct existence to random, unplanned, accidental genetic changes? Or is there another explanation...?
A resource from Doug Batchelor outlining and helping you to understand the prophetic book of Revelation from scripture.
The Seventh Day
A DVD series talking about the Seventh-day. That is Saturday, the day Adventists choose to worship God and keep as a holy day. Why is that? Enquire about this resource to learn more.
Keys for a Happy Marriage
Would you believe God and the bible even have things to say about your family relationships? This study guide will give you the basics of what it is God has for us if we're willing to build our family his way.
Landmarks of Prophecy
An epic bible study adventure looking at the key prophecies of scripture and how they have been fulfilled in our world. Revealing that all of history is known by God, and our future is also.